
Jeff Hammond returns to lead country cricket

The South Australian Cricket Association and the South Australian Country Cricket Committee has appointed former Redbacks Coach Jeff Hammond to coach the SA Country team the

The South Australian Cricket Association and the South Australian Country Cricket Committee has appointed former Redbacks Coach Jeff Hammond to coach the SA Country team the "Outbacks". Hammond coached the Redbacks to their last 1st Class win against Western Australia in 1995/96. Since this time he has coached in South Africa, England and the ACT.
This is an excellent appointment for Country Cricket and it will certainly gain much from Hammond's extensive experience and passion. The Outbacks squad will be selected shortly and begin preparations for their assault on the Australian Country Championships during January 2003 in Bundaberg Queensland. The team also competes in the SACA West End Cup competition and is moving into an exciting period where South Australia will host the National Championships in 2004.